2016年4月27日 星期三

洗腎患者 腎性 副甲狀腺機能亢進

洗腎患者 腎性 副甲狀腺機能亢進


使用高劑量活性維生素 D3 和 Denosumab 改善慢性腎衰竭病人之次發性副甲狀腺結節增生
Regression of Parathyroid Nodular Hyperplasia by High Doses of Calcitriol with Denosumab Therapy in a Patient on Long-Term Dialysis
http://www.tsn.org.tw/UI/B/B00101.aspx?gid=B8D2FFB5DBDCE114 全文下載點

一位透析10年患者,PTH 2500 pg/ml,parathyroid gland,  the largest one sized 7683mm3
(24.3mmx23.6mmx25.6mm) and marked vascularity on doppler sonography。因患者拒絕開刀,所以使用
1) Denosumab, a human monoclonal antibody against the receptor activator of nuclear factor-kB ligand (RANKL) of the osteoclast,
2) combined with a supra-physiologic dose of calcitriol,
3) and calcium carbonate as phosphate binders.

1) PTH 2500 pg/ml → 326.9 pg/ml.
2) Parathyroid-gland ultrasonography showed a 79.35 % reduction of gland volume (from 7683 mm3 to 1586 mm3) and loss of vascular flow signs.
3) Radiograph of both hands showed phalanges with reduced subperiosteal bone resorption.

近期的Acta Nephrologica 29(3): 169-175, 2015. Case Report
Accelerate Regression of Uremic Tumoral Calcinosis by Non-Calcium Phosphate Binder
Ming-Tso Yan 等人 (Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Cathay General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan)

這篇主要是Uremic Tumoral Calcinosis的圖例(,相當有參考性,這是2位洗腎患者(HD, PD各一),透析多年,產生了Uremic Tumoral Calcinosis,2位都去開了parathyroidectomy,經過了1-2年,這Uremic Tumoral Calcinosis仍然沒有消除很多。所以開始使用lanthanum carbonate,奇蹟的是1-5個月後,Uremic Tumoral Calcinosis,大幅改善。
