2018年12月5日 星期三

鈣化?鋁化?以上皆非?腎臟與透析雜誌 2018年30卷3期

張智鴻 、陳靖博
1970 年代腎臟病患者主要是靠含鋁磷結合劑治療高血磷症,在 1980 年後因為少數鋁中毒相關的病例,腎臟界者開始轉向含鈣磷結合劑治療。數十年後人們開始發現透析患者全身血管鈣化速度加快,因此又發展出了昂貴的非鈣非鋁磷結合劑。本文探討鋁和鈣對透析患者的影響,以及 2017 Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative(KDOQI)相關論述。


Calcification? Aluminization? None of Above?
Chih-Hung Chang, Jin-Bor Chen
Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) commonly used aluminum-based salts as phosphate binder in 1970,and shifted to calcium-based phosphate binders because of several aluminum toxicity reports in 1980. Decades later,systemic vascular calcification of dialysis patients was noticed worldwide and thereafter new generations of non-calcium non-aluminum based phosphate binders were developed. This article discusses clinical effects of aluminum or calcium on dialysis patient and presents noteworthy sections of 2017 Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI).

Keywords: chronic kidney disease, phosphate binder, vascular calcification