2016年1月29日 星期五


  • 一小時只賺四百多_英國醫生反新制 - http://world.yam.com/post.php?id=4865
看這次英國醫師的1月17日抗議,兩萬多名英國初階醫生走上街頭,抗議英國衛生大臣亨特(Jeremy Hunt)提出的新制度。一旦新制施行,初階醫生的工時會增加,薪水會變相減少,醫生過勞的問題會越來越嚴重。最新調查指出,已經有超過 70%的初階醫生表示,如果政府不重啟協商,他們會離開英國健保體系(NHS)成為派遣醫生,或是乾脆轉換跑道。


  • Jeremy Hunt accuses striking junior doctors of 'putting patients at risk' http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/junior-doctors-strike-jeremy-hunt-accuses-junior-doctors-of-putting-patients-at-risk-a6807671.html
  • Moet medics: High life of docs’ leaders who are heading up NHS strike http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/6850988/Luxury-lifestyles-of-junior-doctor-strike-leaders.html
  • Junior doctors are posting pictures to disprove The Sun's 'Moët medics' story http://i100.io/ODSyyCP

  • 這名高鐵駕駛 搏倒高鐵大鯨魚要回2億欠薪 2016/01/22 16:08 蘋果日報


2016年1月23日 星期六

Less is more, again

Less is more, again

一般醫學上都是告訴我們要幫患者排檢查或是抽血檢查,這篇文章吸收我的注意,是它說我們在穩定的type 2 DM病人,太常抽HbA1c了。

HbA1c overtesting and overtreatment among US adults with controlled type 2 diabetes, 2001-13: observational population based study
BMJ 2015; 351  (Published 08 December 2015) 有全文PDF可供下載

3萬多個穩定(mean index HbA1c 6.2%),沒用insulin的type 2 DM患者,回溯近12年,發現有近一半患者每年做HbA1c的頻率高於guideline建議的每年2次。多做檢查(就是每年做3-4次),醫生看到A1c增加,理所當然就會增加DM的藥物,就會有overtreatment的風險。

Editorialist writes that "we are prone to treating numbers and not individuals." He advises that more attention be paid to absolute risk reductions accruing from testing, and "much less" to single measures (such as HbA1c). 


在台灣,我們目前對於DM的患者是固定3個月追蹤一次HbA1c。目前在本診所洗腎患者中,有些是曾有DM病史,開始透析後改善,進而不用使用任何DM藥物,就是diet control即可,也是一直三個月測A1c,都遠低於6.5%。看到這文章,也讓我思考在這些患者,是不是不用那麼常測A1c。

現在的醫療期刊網站也有提供讀者立即回應的空間,以下就是不同意此文章的回應,在美國這樣開放的社會,這麼大型的研究也是會有不同的聲音的,這位HbA1c 5.8%的讀者願意自費每年做超過2次的A1c檢查。

Re: HbA1c overtesting and overtreatment among US adults with controlled type 2 diabetes, 2001-13: observational population based study

I have type 2 diabetes & have A1C done 4 X year. I find it an extremely helpful tool to keep me motivated or realize I've gone off track. All adult kin in my family have same & younger bro died this past year from diabetic complications as a result of years of erratic Tx compliance. This may seem like an unnecessary cost but it pales in comparison to over prescription of antibiotics. And I could cite many other examples. In my case I'd willing pay myself to unburden the poor starving insurance executives to keep doing this. It is a powerful educational & motivational tool. BTW my most recent A1C was 5.8.

另外,這裡還有訪問研究者的語音檔案可供收聽 (iTunes)

2016年1月13日 星期三

Protect Doctor-Patient Confidentiality (病患隱私)

Protect Doctor-Patient Confidentiality (病患隱私)
Sandeep Jauhar NOV. 19, 2015


這是一位美國精神科醫師被起訴,因為他的患者殺了患者的前女友和前女友的兒子,然後患者自殺。受害者家屬對精神科醫師提起訴訟,因為精神科醫師沒有對這些受害者提出警告。地方法院認為精神科醫師沒錯,因為地方法院不認為這精神病患者平常有他殺幻想(homicidal fantasies),事前對這些被害者,可能造成威脅。

然而,高等法院近日卻推翻前判決,認為「doctors could be required to warn “all foreseeable victims” of potentially dangerous patients in their care




The duty to keep patients’ information private is written into the codes of ethics of medical organizations, and is even in the Hippocratic oath: “What I may see or hear in the course of treatment,” it says, “I will keep to myself.”

作者描述他之前在急診曾照顧過一位企業的執行長,這執行長因為召妓用毒品被起訴,然而當這位CEO看到警方在病房外,他趕快把一個裝滿「white powder」的信封交給醫師,醫師不知道信封中裝的是什麼,就把它丟了。在警方到病房之後幾個小時,這位CEO一直用擔心的眼神描著醫師,擔心醫師把這事說了出來,然而作者醫師守口如瓶。


1) We must also betray confidentiality when it is in the “public interest” (reporting infectious diseases, for example). (傳染病,例如這次的登革熱流行,得病的患者是很不想被通報的,因為一旦通報,就會連鄰居家也大噴藥消毒,當然就會被左鄰右舍不滿)

2) The duty to warn third parties in danger is also an important exception to confidentiality. We publicly disclose the identities of sex offenders.  (性侵犯)

3) We alert family members when hereditary diseases in our patients come to light.  (遺傳性疾病)

4) A colleague of mine once took care of a patient, a school bus driver, who received an implantable defibrillator after suffering cardiac arrhythmias. When my colleague advised the man to quit his job because of the potential risk to young children, the man refused, so my colleague reported him to the Department of Motor Vehicles.  (公車司機有心律不整;這個例子顯示出通報醫師有強烈的正義感,要求司機辭職,甚至通報至交通當局,我們有幾位心臟科醫師能辦得到呢?)

Sandeep Jauhar, a cardiologist and a contributing opinion writer, is the author of “Doctored: The Disillusionment of an American Physician” and “Intern: A Doctor’s Initiation.”

2016年1月2日 星期六


Lazarus Kidney


Friday, December 11, 2015
Renal Fellow Network: Lazarus Kidney http://renalfellow.blogspot.com/2015/12/lazarus-kidney.html?spref=tw

在Renal Fellow Network看到一篇搶救腎臟的病例,真是令人嘆為觀止,因為類似的病況好像我們都曾經歷過,但是否能做出這樣的結果?

一位74歲,HTN, PAOD, CKD (baseline Cr 1.6)因為NSTEMI住院,被裝置了intra aortic balloon pump (IABP),第二天開CABG。術後,很快速的拿掉升壓劑,第3天,就拔掉IABP。但是病人這時就變得無尿了,creatinine 從第二天的2.0升至3.17(第三天)。

腎臟科這時被會診了,做anuric AKI DD,因為有裝過IABP,就立即被懷疑renal artery occlusion,angiography確定了這個診斷(right renal artery-aorta occlusion),然而thrombectomy失敗,因為是renal artery接到aorta的地方被塞住了。

超極積極的CVS外科醫師(病人也是超勇敢的),在有些疑慮聲音下(諸如再次手術對病人現況的影響?),開了revascularization,Hepato-right renal artery bypass on day 7,4 days after the insult。然後,尿就出來了,creatinine在一週內漸漸下降。

- 超音波上,這血管被塞住的right kidney 10.8 cm (normal echotexture)。而另一側腎臟 是8.79 cm ( cortical thinning),可能慢性腎血管阻塞。
 - The MAG-3 顯示雖然aorta-renal artery間塞住了,但是還有persistent collateral perfusion,讓殘餘的腎細胞還能活命 (可能此病人因為左側腎血管慢性阻塞,導致right collateral較發達) 。這些側枝就是 preformed collaterals that originate from the lumbar, internal iliac, gonadal, adrenal, renal capsular, intercostal, and mesenteric arteries. They can drain into the distal part of the renal artery or provide direct cortical perfusion 。一旦腎臟缺血,這些側枝循環就會打開。

- 在一些病例報告中,在renal artery塞住了,側枝循環可能可以維持腎細胞血流的時間,在不同的狀況下,有6 days - 6 months之久。

有些重點:revascularization of the renal artery include:
-請放射科幫忙確定,Patent distal main renal artery or the identification of collaterals,因為這個部份不是放射科routine angio會看的部份。
-Biopsy evidence of viable glomeruli in a representative specimen.
-Renal size greater than 9 cm
-Evidence of perfusion either by MAG-3 scan (debatable) or Renal Doppler

Charbel C. Khoury
Posted by Leonardo V Riella, MD, PhD a