2016年1月13日 星期三

Protect Doctor-Patient Confidentiality (病患隱私)

Protect Doctor-Patient Confidentiality (病患隱私)
Sandeep Jauhar NOV. 19, 2015


這是一位美國精神科醫師被起訴,因為他的患者殺了患者的前女友和前女友的兒子,然後患者自殺。受害者家屬對精神科醫師提起訴訟,因為精神科醫師沒有對這些受害者提出警告。地方法院認為精神科醫師沒錯,因為地方法院不認為這精神病患者平常有他殺幻想(homicidal fantasies),事前對這些被害者,可能造成威脅。

然而,高等法院近日卻推翻前判決,認為「doctors could be required to warn “all foreseeable victims” of potentially dangerous patients in their care




The duty to keep patients’ information private is written into the codes of ethics of medical organizations, and is even in the Hippocratic oath: “What I may see or hear in the course of treatment,” it says, “I will keep to myself.”

作者描述他之前在急診曾照顧過一位企業的執行長,這執行長因為召妓用毒品被起訴,然而當這位CEO看到警方在病房外,他趕快把一個裝滿「white powder」的信封交給醫師,醫師不知道信封中裝的是什麼,就把它丟了。在警方到病房之後幾個小時,這位CEO一直用擔心的眼神描著醫師,擔心醫師把這事說了出來,然而作者醫師守口如瓶。


1) We must also betray confidentiality when it is in the “public interest” (reporting infectious diseases, for example). (傳染病,例如這次的登革熱流行,得病的患者是很不想被通報的,因為一旦通報,就會連鄰居家也大噴藥消毒,當然就會被左鄰右舍不滿)

2) The duty to warn third parties in danger is also an important exception to confidentiality. We publicly disclose the identities of sex offenders.  (性侵犯)

3) We alert family members when hereditary diseases in our patients come to light.  (遺傳性疾病)

4) A colleague of mine once took care of a patient, a school bus driver, who received an implantable defibrillator after suffering cardiac arrhythmias. When my colleague advised the man to quit his job because of the potential risk to young children, the man refused, so my colleague reported him to the Department of Motor Vehicles.  (公車司機有心律不整;這個例子顯示出通報醫師有強烈的正義感,要求司機辭職,甚至通報至交通當局,我們有幾位心臟科醫師能辦得到呢?)

Sandeep Jauhar, a cardiologist and a contributing opinion writer, is the author of “Doctored: The Disillusionment of an American Physician” and “Intern: A Doctor’s Initiation.”
