Patients, and Doctors, Aren’t Dying at Home
By DANIELLE OFRI, M.D. JANUARY 28, 2016 8:00 AM January 28, 2016 8:00 am
作者也是因為家屬這樣問,才思考這個問題,患者過世時,需要call 911嗎? 想到救護車人員進到這臨終者家中,寧靜、哀傷的氣氛可能馬上轉為兵荒馬亂。
作者提到他近日看到的一篇期刊,Association of Occupation as a Physician With Likelihood of Dying in a Hospital。JAMA. 2016;315(3):301-303 發現,醫師本身(63%)和一般民眾相比(72%),並沒有很大的差異,多數都是在醫療機構裡過世的。
回到作者這位90歲的患者,若是在家中過世,是需要有人宣expire的,所以作者就告訴家屬,若是最後一刻來臨,任何時間,家屬都可以call作者來宣的,不過,要等她把手上的事忙完。若是有call 911,一定要把患者的DNR拿在手上給EMT人員看。若是患者有參加hospice program,則會有輪班hospice nurse來協助。
最後作者的結語,令人心中一陣微笑 ,沒錯,人生最後的一段路怎麼走,有一大部份是決定在子女的手上的,所以,哈哈哈...
“You’d better be nice to us,” my kids always say with a sly grin when they want to stay up late or get extra dessert. “Remember, we’re the ones who will pick your nursing home.” They aren’t kidding.
Danielle Ofri’s newest book is What Doctors Feel: How Emotions Affect the Practice of Medicine. She is a physician at Bellevue Hospital and an associate professor of medicine at N.Y.U. School of Medicine, as well as editor-in-chief of the Bellevue Literary Review. She spoke on Deconstructing Our Perception of Perfection at TEDMED.