2013年8月31日 星期六


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Renal transplant across an ABO barrier

Posted by Leonardo V Riella, MD, PhD
Renal Fellow Network: Renal transplant across an ABO barrier http://renalfellow.blogspot.com/2013/08/renal-transplant-across-abo-barrier.html?spref=tw


然而,我想的是,若是血型不合,就不可以腎移植嗎?剛好看到這文章,經過了移植藥物的進步,還是ABO血型不合的,還是可以有移植的機會的。「the basic idea of overcoming ABO-incompatibility is decreasing the circulating ABO antibodies via combination of (1) antibody depletion (e.g. plasmaphresis) (2) IVIG, (3) Rituximab or splenectomy.

The first ABO-incompatible kidney transplant (ABOi KT) was performed in mid 1950s and ended up with hyperacute rejection (HAR).

50年來,醫學果然在進步。ABOi KT (ABO-incompatible kidney transplant) now consists of 30% of living donor KT. Nowadays, ABOi KT is becoming a reasonable option in the US as well.


台灣基層透析協會, 透析週報

張智鴻醫師.腎臟科. jihonc@gmail.com
