2017年11月15日 星期三


PPI Use After H. pylori Eradication Therapy Tied to Increased Risk for Gastric Cancer

香港一篇60000人的研究,最近發表在Gut,發現在Helicobacter pylori感染並治癒後的患者,若是長期繼續開PPI服用,會有較高致胃癌的風險。

During roughly 8 years' follow-up, 0.24% of the cohort was diagnosed with gastric cancer. In adjusted analyses, the gastric cancer risk was more than twice as high in patients who'd used PPIs at least weekly compared with nonusers. This translated to roughly four excess gastric cancer cases per 10,000 person-years. Cancer risk increased with increasing duration of PPI therapy.

可能致病機轉:"the acid-suppressive effects of PPIs could worsen atrophic gastritis."

因此,PPI這個胃藥,若是H. pylori病程治好了,還是要適時停藥,以策安全。
