2016年5月11日 星期三



看了自由時報的報導,趕快去Google一下國外報導,結果發現台灣的媒體真是太樂觀了。因為這是一個single observation study,而且作者目前也無法說明為什麼喝全脂牛奶的人,會有較低DM機會,而且體重還比較低?


2016-04-09  22:52
.... 科學家因此建議大家,要多攝取高脂肪才能有健康的身體。


CBS NEWS April 6, 2016, 5:42 PM
Are full-fat dairy foods better for you after all?

Tufts researchers report in the journal Circulation (Original Article:
Circulating Biomarkers of Dairy Fat and Risk of Incident Diabetes Mellitus Among US Men and Women in Two Large Prospective Cohorts, April 12, 2016) that people who consumed full-fat dairy products had as much as a 46 percent lower risk of developing diabetes over the course of the 15-year study compared with people who opted for skim milk, low-fat yogurt and low-fat cheese.

A second study of more than 18,000 middle-age women who were part of the Women's Health Study found that those who ate more high-fat dairy had an 8 percent lower chance of going on to become obese over time compared to those who ate less.

The U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommend keeping saturated fat consumption to less than 10 percent of calories per day. A latte made with one cup of whole milk, for example, contains 4.6 grams of saturated fat -- almost a quarter of the daily total.

Changing the dietary guidelines might be premature at this point, but they should be re-evaluated, nutrition experts said.

"I am conservative about setting national dietary guidelines. While evidence remains insufficient to definitively recommend only whole-fat dairy, it certainly is robust enough not to recommend only low-fat dairy," said Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, Dean of Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy, and Editor-in-Chief of the Tufts Health & Nutrition Letter.

Mozaffarian, the author of the diabetes and dairy study, told CBS, "Our findings suggest that national guidelines that focus only on low-fat dairy should be re-examined, allowing flexibility for individual consumers to select either whole or reduced fat milk, cheese, and yogurt."

But she pointed out that the Women's Health Study, which has tracked thousands of participants since 1993, was not a randomized trial, and said, "We've been burned before on observational studies."

But it could also be that full-fat dairy foods make people feel more satisfied so they'll eat less overall.

Spratt, an endocrinologist and assistant professor of medicine at Duke University School of Medicine, said, "I think we now understand there are healthy fats and unhealthy fats; healthy carbohydrates and less healthy carbohydrates. And fat can improve satiety and that could reduce total calorie intake. There could be other mechanisms at play. Patients eating high-fat dairy may be on a high-protein, high-fat diet (Atkins) and perhaps that is why they are not gaining."

"These findings highlight for me the fact that nutrition is an evolving science, and that we just scratched its surface," said Elisabetta Politi, nutrition director of the Duke Diet and Fitness Center at Duke University.

Rautiainen told CBS News her research is a single observational study. "I don't think we have the whole story yet. This is something that future studies need to look at more carefully."
