2013年7月27日 星期六

The Health Perks of Coffee、咖啡

July 18, 2013

The Health Perks of Coffee

By Kelly Young

這篇文章讓我心中的大石頭放下了,因為「適量(moderate)」的飲用咖啡對心血管有益或是「至少無害」。可能有益的是,減少缺血性腦中風,減少type 2 DM。此外,用煮(boiled)的咖啡會有LDL, total cholesterol上升的問題,但是過濾式的咖啡(filtered),則沒有此害處,是因為有濾紙的幫忙,把讓血脂高的因素過濾掉了嗎?(ref 1)

2 tablespoons (15 ml x 2) of milk 就可以把因為喝咖啡所引起的尿鈣流失補回來,我加的熱牛奶還大於1:1,所以不用怕。然而歐美常用加入咖啡的half-and-half (一半牛奶,一半奶油,ref 2),則不在此討論內。

台灣基層透析協會, 透析週報
張智鴻醫師.腎臟科. jihonc@gmail.com

1)      Arterioscler Thromb. 1991 May-Jun;11(3):586-93. Cholesterol-raising factor from boiled coffee does not pass a paper filter. Department of Medicine, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands.)
2)      From wikipedia (Canada and the United States. In Canada and the United States, half and half (known as "half cream" in the United Kingdom) almost always refers to a very light cream typically used in coffee. The name refers to the liquid's content of half milk and half cream even though its butterfat content is only about 12.5%.[5] It is widely available in the United States, both in individual-serving containers and in bulk. It is also used to make ice cream. Non-fat versions of the product are also available, containing corn syrup and other ingredients.[6]
