2017年8月3日 星期四

日本的長壽專家醫師 (Shigeaki Hinohara)

Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara, Longevity Expert, Dies at (or Lives to) 105
The New York Times

Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara, right, with Emperor Akihito in 2006 in Tokyo. Dr. Hinohara’s advice helped make Japan the world leader in longevity. CreditToshifumi Kitamura/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara,5大建議1) 避免暴飲暴食 2) 避免過早退休 3) 每年健康檢查 4) 爬樓梯 5) Having Fun。他是讓日本人成為世界上最長壽人種之一的推手,自己活了105歲。真正體現了聖經路加福音上說的「Physician, heal thyself」


He imposed few inviolable health rules, though he did recommend some basic guidelines: Avoid obesity, take the stairs (he did, two steps at a time) and carry your own packages and luggage. Remember that doctors cannot cure everything. Don’t underestimate the beneficial effects of music and the company of animals; both can be therapeutic. Don’t ever retire, but if you must, do so a lot later than age 65. And prevail over pain simply by enjoying yourself.

查詢Physician, heal thyself這句話時,意外得到
The phrase alludes to the readiness and ability of physicians to heal sickness in others while sometimes not being able or willing to heal themselves. This suggests something of 'the cobbler always wears the worst shoes', that is, cobblers are too poor and busy to attend to their own footwear.

醫師要照顧好病人的健康前,先要照顧好自己,身體力行「Physician, heal thyself」
