2017年8月19日 星期六


When Your Doctor Is Fitter Than You Are

“I enjoy working out at the gym,” declares one profile. “To keep myself fit, I like to hike, bike and
exercise,” says another.



最近一篇Journal of Personality and Social Psychology研究(內文未附連結)發現肥胖的患者會去選「不強調自己身材多健美或是多喜好運動的醫師」,甚至會刻意去避開,因為肥胖的患者覺得,這類的醫師可能會看不起患者。

This research documents that promoting that you practice what you preach can backfire.

Instead, it should realize that doctors who don’t advertise healthy lifestyles may appear more approachable to some patients, while super-fit physicians may want to display compassion and understanding toward patients who do not find exercise appealing, or do not conform to stereotypical portraits of health.



Lauren C. Howe is a social psychologist from Stanford University who studies trust in experts.
