2016年7月6日 星期三

The Big Business of Dialysis Care?

The Big Business of Dialysis Care

NEJM Catalyst http://catalyst.nejm.org/the-big-business-of-dialysis-care/

June 9, 2016
Ron Shinkman
Health Care Editor and Journalist

NEJM 的Catalyst 這一期談到美國的透析治療,其中有些有趣的數字和比較,提供大家參考。


在1973年,透析治療納入美國的Medicare給付項目。一開始約10,000個透析患者,當時一年花費 $200 million。

目前2015, Medicare每年花$34 billion透析費用。
透析死亡率下降 36%,between 2001 and 2013。
The Corporatization of Dialysis Delivery
美國也是有愈來愈多,私人的透析院所,在shopping mall也有。
前二大透析器材供應商占了70%,Fresenius Medical Care and Colorado-based DaVita Healthcare Partners。

這二大供應商共有3,900透析點,幾乎是以下超市的數量總合(Target, Best Buy, and Publix Super Market stores)

根據USRDS,目前每位透析患者年花$88,000費用(透析+住院+急診),這數字超過一般美國家庭平均收入的60%。Fresenius的資料,美國透析患者,一季大約住院10天,(more than double the hospital days for its patients in Asia or Latin America)。(筆者註:台灣透析患者還是照顧得比美國好)

有non-profit 和 for-profit 經營者,non-profit的患者死亡率較低。
The big for-profit operators have also been shown to have much higher mortality rates than nonprofit dialysis centers in the U.S. A 2010 article inHealth Services Research tallied a 19% higher risk of death at Fresenius facilities, and a 24% higher death risk at DaVita facilities, than patients receiving care at the biggest nonprofit chain. 

2009, “Why Is the Mortality of Dialysis Patients in the United States Much Higher than the Rest of the World?”  U.S. one-year mortality rates were among the highest in the world: 21.7% in 2003, versus 15.6% in Europe and 6.6% in Japan. The authors fingered patient nutrition and staff training as particular causes of the discrepancy.
Cost Growth, and Cutbacks
透析費用逐年成長,Medicare 2011年開始包裹給付,每次$240。
2011, Medicare began bundling dialysis care payments in an attempt to better control expenses, paying about $240 per treatment, or around $37,000 a year.
Private payers typically pay at least twice Medicare rates

Home dialysis可以節省透析費用支出,目前Fresenius’ and DaVita’s home dialysis rates hover around 20% and 10%, respectively. 

Empowered Dialysis
1) 教病人透析時做瑜伽,增加循環。
Richard Gibney, MD,  in Waco, Texas, Fresenius-owned dialysis centers
Yoga classes for patients as they’re being dialyzed — a response to the rising rates of diabetes among the patients and a need to increase their circulatory performance.

2) Gibney醫師,讓病人自己準備透析用品,設定,打針,以及自己監測透析、回應警報發生時處理,目前他有280位病人是"empowered dialysis",和傳統由護理人員操作透析相比,這群"empower dialysis"病人,有較少的死亡率和住院率。(瑞典首創‘hunker-down dialysis.’,據說可以減少33%透析費用和增加病人滿意度)
另一家醫療公司試圖用科技來幫忙透析:Outset Medical, based in San Jose, California

Tablo 會減少工資支出,減少medical complications (?),減少病人因故沒有至院所透析的機會,和透析技術人員的工作機會?(因為病人都可以自己操作機器了)

Technician staffing are going to lose their jobs?
“I said ‘No, that’s totally wrong. We’re transitioning from you being a worker bee, a madman like you’re running cattle through a chute, to becoming teachers, mentors, and cheerleaders,’ ” he says.

