2014年10月24日 星期五


Practicing on Patients

Practicing on Patients http://nyti.ms/1lWIXYi from THE NEW YORK TIMES


另外,作者說了一件,CV的fellow 2把拉出balloon pump工作,準備交給沒經驗fellow 1,而這位病人先發制人的問「你們應該不是要在我身上練習吧?」當時,這位fellow 2只好說了個謊,說這fellow 1已經做了很多次了之類的。
A few weeks ago, a second-year cardiology fellow told me that he had taught a first-year how to pull out a balloon pump. “When we went in the room, the patient said, ‘You’re not learning on me, are you?’ And I had to lie and say: ‘No! He’s done this many times. We’re going to do it together. You get two for the price of one.’ That calmed him down. Then I had to talk the first-year through the entire procedure, pretending like I was explaining it to the patient.”
另外,作者最近要求外科同仁幫忙患者放 left ventricular assist devices (LVADs),這位外科同仁也許因為少做此項術式,對作者說
「Whether my patient wouldn’t be better off being transferred to a hospital that had more experience? “Do we have the best team in place to manage potential complications?」 he asked. 
「If it were your father, he said, what would you want?」

Sandeep Jauhar is a cardiologist 
