When Doctors Treat Patients Like Themselves
Sean Kelly
若是能理解我們和患者也是可能有同樣想法時,多站在病人的角度來著想,也許自己的心裡會比較好過一些。文中提到了兩個例子,一個是女性較喜歡女婦產科醫師,不直接因為是「女」醫師,而是因為她們能有較好的溝通。(although not because they were united in sisterhood, but because they communicated better, most women preferred female gynecologists)
這研究的結果是,胖病人會聽胖醫師的飲食建議。(fat doctors and fat patients, finding that diet advice was deemed significantly more trustworthy when dispensed by a larger doctor.)
所以榮格(Carl Gustav Jung)說「了解自己的黑暗面是處理別人黑暗面最好的方法」(Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people) 。先了解自己,才能了解病人。