2013年9月21日 星期六

The Gymnast's Big Belly、日新月異、biofeedback

Think Like a Doctor: The Gymnast’s Big Belly

Think Like a Doctor: The Gymnast's Big Belly Solved http://nyti.ms/15F7zCk

The patient in Nov. 2011, left, had a flat, toned stomach. In May 2012, her stomach was bloated.

The mystery of the 15-year-old gymnast who suddenly developed a huge, distended belly and intractable constipation.

There were actually two diagnoses:

Abdominal phrenic dyssynergia (APD) and
Pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD)

這篇文章會吸引我注意是上面這兩個醫學名詞,雖然我是腎臟科內科,但也是受過胃腸內科的訓練,結果我都不熟識這兩個名詞,所以就讀下去了。因為,腹漲和便秘也是腎臟病患者常見的症狀。這兩個診斷是稱為「 functional gastrointestinal disorders」,是功能性異常,而非結構上有問題。

A Faulty Diaphragm and Pelvic Floor:

簡單的說,就是diaphragm放鬆和收縮功能異常,導致腹漲,而pelvic floor放鬆和收縮功能異常,導致便秘,就產生如上照片的狀況。


the treatment was intensive physical therapy using biofeedback to help the patient relearn what her body taught itself when she was an infant — how to coordinate the muscles that can be controlled with the involuntary muscles of the G.I. tract.


文中提到人生中約有25%的人都有過這些「functional gastrointestinal disorders」,而胃腸科醫師看的患者中,也有大約40%的病人症狀是由這些「functional gastrointestinal disorders」所引起的。


註:網路上前二位答對這患者的診斷,一位是OB-GYN醫師,另一位是R2 住院醫師,真是厲害。
