2013年9月21日 星期六


Monday, September 16, 2013

Renal Fellow Network: Kidney Biopsy Case: AKI http://renalfellow.blogspot.com/2013/09/kidney-biopsy-case-aki.html?spref=tw

Kidney Biopsy Case: AKI

這文章很有趣,患者 baseline serum creatinine of 1.3 mg/dl and 0.5 g/day proteinuria. His medications were unremarkable except for a calcium and vitamin D preparation which he had been taking for several months. (註:國外對CKD的防治,或是治療,真的還比我們先進或是說更早,以上面這樣的狀況時,就開立鈣片和vitamin D了。)

然而,因為這樣的狀況,他來做腎切片了,His creatinine was 4.0 mg/dL and calcium was 13.5 mg/dl on presentation。

腎切片結果是sarcoidosis-related granulomatous interstitial nephritis。用了口服類固醇治療後,腎指數(creatinine)和高血鈣就漸漸改善了。

然而,最後一段吸引了我注意,「A teaching point for this case is not to presume the hypercalcemia is all iatrogenic. 」是的,雖然患者之前是有服用鈣片,但不代表高血鈣就是鈣片所引起的,還是有可能其他因素,例如sarcoidosis, 甚至TB, multiple myeloma等。每次看到洗腎患者每月的抽血報告若是有高血鈣,我們也是要小心去注意是否有除了藥物之外的疾病因素。
