2013年1月12日 星期六


一位患者因為腦病變,而無法自行進食,必須要靠鼻胃管灌食,住在安養院,一開始是用商業配方加自行調配的牛奶,血鈉不足,128 mEq/L,因此告知安養院要牛奶中加鹽,下個月抽血時,發現血鈉 153 mEq/L,過高了。

一般人建議正常中飲食中的鹽量約 6 克/每天,若是有心血管疾病者,視情況需要減日常的鹽量。在以上這患者,血管已經過高了,所以目前應調整每日加的鹽量於 每天5公克以下,這樣才能讓高血管,慢慢的下降。


多傷身 臺北市文山區力行國小蔡坪娥營養師


Patients with higher plasma sodium may have a higher ‘‘set point’’ or they drink little; patients with lower plasma sodium may have a lower ‘‘set point’’ or excessive free water intake because of hyperglycemia or other dipsogenic stimuli [6,7]. In summary, the concept of an individual ‘‘plasma sodium set point’’, while not perfect, is relatively accurate and serves as a reference point formanagement decisions.

Plasma sodium increases during dialysis in patients who have a positive D-P gradient (i.e., dialysate sodium higher than plasma sodium) [11] contributing to sodium overload, increased thirst, and interdialytic weight gain. On the other hand, negative D-P sodium gradient may predispose to intradialytic symptoms like hypotension and cramps [12]. Therefore, individualization of the dialysate sodium concentrationmakes clinical sense.

How should the predialysis plasma sodium level be interpreted in hemodialysis patients? Seminars in Dialysis—Vol 24, No 4 (July–August) 2011 pp. 409–411
