Coffee Drinking and Mortality in 10 European Countries: A Multinational Cohort Study RESEARCH |11 JULY 2017
Association of Coffee Consumption With Total and Cause-Specific Mortality Among Nonwhite Populations這一期的Annal of Internal Medicine,給咖啡愛好者鬆了一口氣,因為有2篇大型並且長期研究(52萬人橫越10個歐洲國家,平均16年追蹤)(另一篇18.5萬人,非白人,16年追蹤),都顯示咖啡可以減少死亡率。
雖然這不是新聞,但是這是有史以來最大的研究。而且,不管是抽煙者或是非抽煙者,喝咖啡都會減少死亡率 。並且,對於腎臟、心血管、或是其他內臟疾病都有減少發生率。
"I think that the solid conclusion is that if you're a coffee drinker, keep drinking your coffee and be happy," Ascherio said. And if you're not? "I think you can go on drinking your tea or water without a problem."
"The takeaway message would be that drinking a couple cups of coffee a day doesn't do you any harm, and actually, it might be doing you some good," he said.