The “nature versus nurture”, which is more important?
美國心臟醫學會上的Breaking News,這篇文章真是令人覺得勵志,因為可以經由後天的生活形態改變,減輕因為基因導致的冠心症危險性。
那一些生活形態呢?1) no current smoking 2) no obesity 3) regular physical activity 4) healthy diet.
For individuals at high genetic risk, unhealthy and healthy lifestyles were associated with the following standardized 10-year incidences of coronary events:
Women's Genome Health Study, 4.6% and 2.0%
Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities, 10.7% and 5.1%
Malmö Diet and Cancer Study, 8.2% and 5.3%
We need to get the message to our patients: A healthy lifestyle can mitigate one's inherited cardiac risk.
Khera AV et al. Genetic risk, adherence to a healthy lifestyle, and coronary disease. N Engl J Med 2016 Nov 13; [e-pub]. (