什麼是超級加工食品(Ultra-processed Food)?
Ultra-processed foods就是內含你平日在家煮時,不會加入的添加物。例如: colourings, sweeteners and preservatives. 在英國,最常見的ultra-processed食物是:
Industrialised bread (11 %)
Pre-packaged meals (7.7 %)
Breakfast cereals (4.4 %)
Sausages and other reconstituted meat products (3.8 %)
以下的例子說明,同樣的食材,多一點添加物(包括糖)就成了ultra-processed foods:
1. Bread made from wheat flour, water, salt and yeast is processed, but add emulsifiers or colourings and it becomes ultra-processed.
2. Plain oats, corn flakes and shredded wheat are minimally processed, but when the manufacturer adds sugar, flavourings or colourings, they become ultra-processed breakfast cereals.
3. Plain yoghurt is minimally processed, but add sweeteners, preservatives, stabilisers or colourings and it becomes ultra-processed.
Original Investigation
Ultraprocessed Food Consumption and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Among Participants of the NutriNet-Santé Prospective Cohort
JAMA Intern Med. Published online December 16, 2019. doi:https://doi.org/10.1001/jamainternmed.2019.5942
- Over 100,000 French adults
- 24-hour dietary recall questionnaires
- median follow-up of 6 years
- 820 participants were diagnosed with T2DM
- The risk of T2DM increased by 13% with each 10% increase in the proportion of diet comprising ultraprocessed foods.
- The authors note that in previous studies, ultraprocessed foods have been linked to increased risks for cancer, cardiovascular disease, and mortality.
結論:減少食物中添加劑,包括糖、色素、香料或是保存劑,才能不變成ultra-processed food,才不會落入T2DM。
Dr Chih-Hung Chang, Nephrologist, New Hung Yuan Clinic 前長庚腎臟科醫師,分享醫療資訊,用HDF(Hemodiafiltration)、HD(Hemodialysis)、新式延展性血液透析術(HDx)治療尿毒症患者,包含高雄市、苓雅區、鳳山、前鎮、小港、大寮、鳥松等區,也接受國外腎友來台旅遊透析(Travel dialysis)和居護所合作居家醫療服務。