之前放過viabahn stent入gortex shunt,這次突發性人工血管塞住
Dr Chih-Hung Chang, Nephrologist, New Hung Yuan Clinic 前長庚腎臟科醫師,分享醫療資訊,用HDF(Hemodiafiltration)、HD(Hemodialysis)、新式延展性血液透析術(HDx)治療尿毒症患者,包含高雄市、苓雅區、鳳山、前鎮、小港、大寮、鳥松等區,也接受國外腎友來台旅遊透析(Travel dialysis)和居護所合作居家醫療服務。
2019年9月12日 星期四
2019年9月10日 星期二
Vegetarian Diet Linked to Lower Heart Disease, But Higher Stroke Risks
Risks of ischaemic heart disease and stroke in meat eaters, fish eaters, and vegetarians over 18 years of follow-up: results from the prospective EPIC-Oxford study
BMJ 2019; 366 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.l4897 (Published 04 September 2019)
- 48,000 adults in the U.K. 18-year follow-up
- Pescatarians and those who were vegetarian or vegan had lower risks for ischemic heart disease than meat eaters (hazard ratios, 0.87 for fish eaters, 0.78 for vegetarians).
- Vegetarians had higher rates of total stroke (HR, 1.20) and hemorrhagic stroke (HR, 1.43) than meat eaters.
- Vegetarians and vegans in the EPIC-Oxford cohort have lower circulating levels of several nutrients (eg, vitamin B12, vitamin D, essential amino acids, and long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids), and differences in some of these nutritional factors could contribute to the observed associations.
Risks of ischaemic heart disease and stroke in meat eaters, fish eaters, and vegetarians over 18 years of follow-up: results from the prospective EPIC-Oxford study
BMJ 2019; 366 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.l4897 (Published 04 September 2019)
- 48,000 adults in the U.K. 18-year follow-up
- Pescatarians and those who were vegetarian or vegan had lower risks for ischemic heart disease than meat eaters (hazard ratios, 0.87 for fish eaters, 0.78 for vegetarians).
- Vegetarians had higher rates of total stroke (HR, 1.20) and hemorrhagic stroke (HR, 1.43) than meat eaters.
- Vegetarians and vegans in the EPIC-Oxford cohort have lower circulating levels of several nutrients (eg, vitamin B12, vitamin D, essential amino acids, and long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids), and differences in some of these nutritional factors could contribute to the observed associations.
2019年9月4日 星期三
PTA 洗腎 通血管
感謝 高雄長庚 心臟內科 鍾昇穎醫師 協助通血管
PTA 洗腎 通血管
感謝 高雄長庚 心臟內科 鍾昇穎醫師 協助通血管
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